Mid-State Library Association
Minutes from October 16, 2010
at University of the South, Sewanee
Special guest: Jason Griffey
Courtney called the meeting to order and thanked Jason for coming to talk about technology and gadgets. It was a very interesting discussion, with very engaging comments and questions from all present. We learned about lots of interesting gadgets that have all kinds of uses.
There was no financial report because Susan LaFever was ill.
Regina Lee announced that TTU has graciously agreed to host the archive. She is still working on making a list of things that might be missing. If you have any items pertaining to the history of the MSLA, please let her know. Regina will also look into the possibility of digitizing the archive.
The MSLA has a website at http://midstatelib.blogspot.com. Courtney created it so that it would be easier to maintain and to pass maintenance from one person to the next. There was some confusion about who the editor would be, so she will continue to update the site until the confusion can be cleared up.
Susan Earl moved to create a Google Group to function as a mailing list for the group. Kevin seconded the motion. The motion carried. To sign up for the mailing list, visit http://groups.google.com/group/mid-state-library-association and follow the instructions found there. Courtney will also try to email everyone who has paid dues with instructions.
Jenny Stout moved that the spring MSLA meeting will be held in conjunction with the TLA Annual Conference in Murfreesboro on March 24-25. The motion was seconded by Kevin Reynolds and passed. Courtney will work with the TLA Conference Committee to help ensure that the MSLA meeting is not in conflict with any major TLA events. Possibilities for the meeting include breakfast, lunch or a gathering after the All-Conference Reception. Any further suggestions are welcome.
Susan Earl suggested that the MSLA should have a presence at the TLA registration booth so that we can better publicize who we are and hopefully gain more members. Susan and others also suggested that the MSLA advertise in Tennessee Libraries, the TLA newsletter and at the Tenn-Share DataFest and Fall Conference. It was also recommended that the minutes be sent out the TLA list so that others can see that the MSLA is active and vibrant again.
There was discussion of what the MSLA is, and what we do. It was suggested that the MSLA could also arrange weekday tours and discussions at the various mid-state libraries to talk about the services and features of those libraries. The discussion of possible lunches or other post-meeting activities was also suggested by Sara Copeland. Sara pointed out that it would be a good idea to have some kind of informal lunch plans arranged for after meetings, particularly if the attendees had traveled for an hour to attend the meeting. This will be considered for the meetings following the spring meeting.
There was no other new business.
There was a motion to adjourn and the motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Courtney Fuson