Tuesday, January 10, 2012

next MSLA Meeting

First, my apologies that it's been so long since you've heard from the Mid-State Library Association.  It's been a busy time lately, and things got away from me.  We did miss our Fall Meeting this year, which is when we would normally hold elections.  I will be contacting some members directly about serving on the nominating committee (and also about nominees for the positions available). If you'd like to volunteer or nominate someone, please email midstatelib@gmail.com

Since we've started a new calendar year (hello, 2012!), dues are due. You can send use the membership form under How To Join to renew your membership.

I'm working on the date and location for our next meeting.  If you  have any suggestions, please let me know.  I'd like to try to meet at the Francis Neel Cheney house.  I'll be in touch again soon!

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