
Article I. Name

The name of this organization shall be the Mid-State Library Association, hereafter called MSLA.

Article II. Objective

The objective of MSLA is to provide opportunities for members of the Middle Tennessee library community to participate in activities that will foster professional growth and service to the community.

Article III. Membership

All librarians, library education students, library employees, friends and trustees, and retired library personnel may become members by paying the dues.

Article IV. Organization

Section 1.  Executive Council.

                The governing body responsible for the continuing operation and activities of this association shall be the Executive Council.  It is composed of four members elected from the membership.   Chairs of any special sections shall be ex-officio members of this Council, without voting privileges.  The Council shall determine all policies of the association except as provided for in Section 3 of this article.

Section 2. Sections (Interest Groups).

When a group of members having a common interest shows that a need exists for a separate group, the Council may designate it to be a Section.  The members of each Section shall choose a chair who will automatically become an ex-officio member of the Council.  Sections will be permanent or temporary as is needed.

Section 3. Agenda Items.

MSLA may refer any matter to the Council with recommendations by the majority vote at a membership meeting.  Any action of the Council may be set aside by a majority vote at any membership meeting, or by a majority vote by electronic vote in which one-fourth of the membership shall have voted.

Article V.  Affiliated Organizations

The Council may affiliate MSLA with any state or national organization having similar purposes to those of MSLA upon the recommendation of the membership by a majority vote.

Article VI. By-Law Changes

A new bylaw becomes effective when approved by a majority  vote by mail or electronic vote in which one-fourth of the membership shall have voted or by a vote of a majority of those attending a membership meeting.

Article VII. Dues

Section  1.  Membership. 

The membership and fiscal year for MSLA is the calendar year.

Section 2. Annual Dues. 

Annual membership dues are $5.00 and are due at the beginning of the fiscal year. Dues collected after September 1 shall be for the following calendar year. Dues must be up-to-date to vote.

Article VIII. Meetings

Meetings shall be held at least two times per year. The spring meeting may be held in conjunction with the annual Tennessee Library Association Convention or separately as the membership decides.  Other meetings may be called by the Executive Council when deemed necessary.  Frequency of Section meetings shall be determined by each Section.

Article IX. Elections

Section 1.  Nominating Committee.

Prior to the fall meeting, the Council will appoint a nominating committee consisting of three people, no one of whom shall be a member of the Council, to nominate candidates for the elective positions. Calls for nomination may be made electronically.

Section 2. Election.

The membership at the fall meeting shall elect from the nominating committee’s candidates and those nominated from the floor the appropriate number of Council members for terms of two years. A Vice Chair/Chair-Elect shall be elected every fall.  The successful candidate will serve the first year as Vice-Chair and the following one as Chair.  The Secretary/Treasurer shall be elected in even years at the fall meeting and Newsletter Editor in odd years.

Section 3. Section Chairs.

Section chairs shall be elected by members of each Section and shall hold office no longer than two years.

Section 4. Authority of Executive Council.

The Executive Council has the authority to appoint other committees as needed.

Section 5. Chair

The Chair of MSLA serves on the Board of Tennessee Library Association (TLA) and must be a member of TLA.

Article X. Parliamentary Authority

Meetings of MSLA shall be conducted under the Robert’s Rules of Order, insofar as they are applicable and do not conflict with MSLA’s bylaws or other special rules.

Revised April 10, 2010